Adobe Substance 3D Sampler DOwnload

Adobe Substance 3D Sampler 4.0.2

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Adobe Substance 3D Sampler 4.0.2 Multilingual macOS

This software is the core of your 3D workflow. You can quickly transform a real image into a realistic surface or HDR environment. Can easily import a reference image and convert it into a high-quality 3D material using Adobe-powered features. You can closely match the original real surface and create seamlessly slicable materials from your footage. Combine multiple materials and parameter filters to create more advanced surfaces. You have access to thousands of materials in Substance 3D Assets and Substance 3D Community Assets. The possibilities are endless. You can use generators and filters from Designer, compose lighting environments for Stager, or send materials and lights to Painter.

This program is at the heart of your 3D workflow. Quickly transform a real-life picture into a photorealistic surface or HDR environment. Easily import a reference photo and transform it into a high-quality 3D material with features powered by Adobe. Closely match the original real-life surface & create seamless tileable materials from your captures.

Combine multiple materials and parametric filters to create more advanced surfaces. Access to thousands of materials on Substance 3D Assets and Substance 3D Community Assets. The possibilities are endless. Use generators and filters from Designer, composite light environments for Stager, or send materials and lights to Painter.

Adobe Substance 3D Sampler هي أداة من الجيل التالي مخصصة لإنشاء المواد واستكشافها وإدارتها. تساعدك التقنيات المختلفة وطرق الإنشاء (القائمة على الإجراءات، والقائمة على الالتقاط، والقائمة على الذكاء الاصطناعي، واليدوية) في إدارة مكتبات المواد بالكامل وتصديرها إلى تطبيقات أخرى.

إنشاء مكتبات مواد ثلاثية الأبعاد – إنشاء مجموعات من المواد من خلال الجمع بين الموارد الموجودة وتعديلها، أو من خلال بناء مواد جديدة من الصور والمسح الضوئي عالي الدقة.
إنشاء كتالوج محدد للمواد من مراجع العالم الحقيقي، أو ببساطة التجربة حتى تجد النتائج التي تحبها – في جميع الحالات، يوفر Substance 3D Sampler سرعة وسهولة استخدام هائلة لسير عملك.

Key Features:

•Material blending
Combine two or more materials to create complex surfaces easily.

•Automatic color variation
Extract colors and generate libraries of variations.

•Conversion of single images to 3D materials
Create a material from a single photo

•Multi-angle images to 3D materials
Dedicated scan-processing workflow.

Remove shadows with machine learning algorithms.

•Atlas Splatter
Scatter leaves, pebbles, and more, on your material.

•.sbsar export
Export Substance materials compatible with every 3D application out there.

•Embedded filters and generators
Add your own content, created in Substance Designer.

Adobe Substance 3D Sampler



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